Absence Policy

Absence Coding of Students:

A. Excused/Lawful Absence: Pursuant to SDP’s attendance policy, all absences resulting in a total of three (3) or more consecutive days will require a doctor’s note. For absences that do not total three (3) consecutive days, parents may submit a handwritten note stating the reason for the absence. Notes must be given to the school within three (3) days upon the child’s return to school. If the note is not turned in within the required time frame, the day(s) may not be


B. Unexcused: An unexcused absence occurs when a student is absent without a valid excuse in writing. That means that either no written notice was submitted to the school upon the student’s return or that the reason provided in the notice was deemed invalid. Examples of invalid excuses include (but not limited to):  babysitting  illness of a family member  waking up late  vacation.

For further information regarding student attendance, please contact our Attendance Designee, Ms. Latasha Davis at lndavis@philasd.org