
Welcome to KCAPA’s Academics main page. Each subject department is responsible for curriculum, testing, teacher professional development, and projects that are taught in the corresponding classes. Below are the different subject departments at KCAPA, as well as, the requirements for student promotion and graduation.

Subject9th Grade10th Grade11th Grade12th Grade
EnglishEnglish 1English 2English 3English 4
Social StudiesWorld HistoryAfrican American HistoryUS HIstorySocial Science Elective
MathAlgebra 1GeometryAlgebra 2Statistics/Pre-Calc/Calculus
SciencePhysical ScienceBiologyChemistryPhysics
Health & Physical EducationHealth & Physical EducationHealth & Physical EducationHealth & Physical EducationHealth & Physical Education
Foreign LanguageSpanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Ensemble Choir
Fine Art
Instrumental Music
Ensemble Choir
Fine Art
Instrumental Music
Ensemble Choir
Fine Art
Instrumental Music
Ensemble Choir
Fine Art
Instrumental Music
Career & Technical EducationIntro to Design
Intro to Film
Digital Media Production 1Digital Media Production 2Digital Media Production 3
STEMAP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science A

Graduation Policy
A 12th grade student shall graduate if he/she/they:

  • Successfully completes a Multidisciplinary Project or a Service Learning Project
  • Earns a total of 23.5 credits, which include:
    • 4 in English
    •  3 in Mathematics
    • 3 in Science
    • 3 in Social Studies
    • 1 in African American History
    • 2 in World Language
    • 2 in Arts and Humanities
    • 1 in Physical Education
    • 0.5 in Health
    • 4 in electives: One elective must be a college preparatory Mathematics or Science course, an IB course, an AP course, or a terminal CTE course.

Promotion Policy
Promotion from grade to grade is based on credits earned:

  • Promotion from 9th to 10th grade – 5 credits
  • Promotion from 10th to 11th grade – 11 credits
  • Promotion from 11th to 12th grade – 17.5 credits