
View from second floor hallway

View from second-floor hallway

New Beverage Policy

Please be advised that starting  Thursday, January 15, 2025, the following beverage policy will be strictly enforced at KCAPA High School. This policy is being implemented to ensure the safety of all students. Any beverages not complying with these guidelines will be discarded and not permitted into the building.

Permitted BeveragesProhibited Beverages
EMPTY reusable plastic or aluminum bottlesOpen drink containers with liquid
Sealed/unopened plastic water bottlesGlass bottles or containers of any kind
Sealed/unopened plastic Gatorade bottles
Sealed/unopened plastic juice boxes


Lateness to School

All students who arrive late to school must obtain a late slip upon entering the building. Repeated lateness will result in disciplinary action according to the School District of Philadelphia Student Code of Conduct, which can be found on the district’s website at http://www.phila.k12.pa.us/students/index.html#code.

After 9:30 AM, students will only be permitted entry with a doctor’s appointment notice, a court order, or an accompanying parent.


Identification (ID) Cards

Students must have proper student identification to enter the building. In order to provide security for all Kensington CAPA students, photo ID cards must be visible at all times. ID cards must be swiped everyday in the morning and at lunchtime. They must be presented for transpasses. Failure to wear the ID or present it to any staff member will result in disciplinary actions. Lost IDs may be replaced for $5.00.  Students must replace their ID card by the end of the following day. If a student forgets his/her ID, a temporary card will be issued at the cost of $1.00 per day.  Fines must be paid prior to participation in any class or school activity.

Early Dismissals

According to State Law, all appointments, including medical and dental appointments, are to be scheduled after school hours. Early dismissal will be granted only when the parent/guardian comes to school for the student. Early dismissals are granted for certain types of medical and personal emergencies.

For medical emergencies, see the school nurse. All students being dismissed early for any reason other than participation in athletic events must have a parent or guardian pick them up and sign them out of the main office.  Even if the student is 18 years of age, he/she must be picked up by an approved adult.

Hall Pass Policy

• No Hall Passes will be given during the first 15 minutes and last 15 minutes of class.

• Students must present ID to receive a Hall Pass from teacher. (No ID. No Hall Pass.)

.• Students will sign the Teacher Hall Pass Log Book before receiving a pass from a teacher.

• No more than one student at a time is permitted to go out of the classroom.

Leaving the Building

The two ways for students to leave the building are as follows:

  • Early dismissals, which must be accompanied by a parent.
  • Special rosters MUST sign out at the front lobby security desk, to be permitted to leave the building after their last scheduled period.
  • Students who leave school without permission will be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including, suspension.

Reporting to School

Students will enter the building through the main lobby doors. Students having breakfast will be permitted to enter the building at 7:00AM. It is important for students to follow the rules of entry.   Any student arriving after 7:30 AM is late.

Parents and other visitors may enter the building through the main doors.  Parents and all other visitors must scan in with a valid photo ID.

Upon arrival, students will not be permitted to enter the Main Office without a parent or legal guardian. They must report directly to the cafeteria or to class depending on arrival time.

Students being reinstated from suspension must be brought to school by a parent or legal guardian, as indicated in the Student Information System and enter through the main doors located at the front of the building. Reinstatements will be held Monday through Friday as scheduled by administration.

Religious Observation
Students who are absent from or late to school because of participation in a religious obligation must present a note from their parent or guardian stating the place and time of the obligation.


ACT 29 of 1995 (TRUANCY)

Students who report to school and cut classes are considered to be truant by the courts. Students cutting school are truant. Truancy petitions will be prepared and turned over to the proper authorities for legal action(s), including fines, etc. to students and parents/guardians.  Act 29 provides for a $300 fine and allows the court to impose parent education classes and community service sentences for parents of a truant child, who do not show that they took reasonable steps to ensure their child’s school attendance.  It provides that the parent and child must appear at a hearing before the district magistrate.  Act 29 also provides that truant students lose their driver’s license